Watch This Wednesday!

marksmen video

Need a pick me up this Hump Day?!

Check out this Marksmen video from the guys of Dude Perfect! By no means are they professional marksmen but you got to give them credit for some of these shots! They used some real firepower in these trick shots they came up with. How many of theses targets could you hit?!

The Splitting the Bullet shot was my favorite shot, splitting a .45 ACP with an axe and hitting 2 targets – in no way is it a practical shot, impressive none the less. Makes you wonder how much training went into the making of this video. Want a nice cut piece of watermelon but too lazy to grab a cutting knife from the kitchen? Consider using the M1A Socom, if you don’t mind a little dirt on your slice that is!

What was your favorite shot?! talk to us on Facebook: Go2FAS

Stay tuned for more videos to come!